
Blank Railroads

No, I really don't actually. This is my life and always has been, and probably always will be. I don't care how much it sucks, but without the social anxiety or all these other weirdo problems, I just wouldn't be me. It's not that I want to be me or anything, it's just I don't think it's the same 'life' It defines who I am, and it's where all this weirdness come froms. I'm just not going to think about it. Of course I wish things were different, but I think that I mean it a different way than a lot of people on here.


Well-known member
have you ever imagine how your life would be without SA or things you would do?::(::)

i rarely do that.only on 'special' occasions(being drunk,being depressed).but i imagine how it is going to become once i get rid of my insecurities.It's actually more of a goal setting thing than trying to imagine

how about u?


Wow!! My life would have been so much better. I would have been normal--like other people. I wouldn't have lost my gf. things would have been great.


Well-known member
For a while in high school S.A. didnt affect me. I still had it in some classes but when I was out I was very social most of the time. I was able to start and keep conversations with random people just about anywhere. I was the funny guy at parties as long as I had friends there and I was just very comfortable being me. I actually had a life.(like zlench said)
So I do know how I am when I dont have social anxiety.
I need to get better so that I can be myself again.