Re: .
Alvinsduckie said:
yes I'm fat, how very mature for you to point out the obvious
Duckie, I´m sorry to hear about your thyroid, but I´m primarily looking for causes and ways out of the problem. I´m not being insensitive, I´m making a point. Reaching maturity also has something to do with assuming responsibility of your own life, however hard you may feel that is. Your thyroid doesn´t control what´s entering your mouth. I have no doubt whatsoever that if you would concentrate primarily on regaining a normal appetite and exercise frequently, maybe talk to somebody about reconstructing your diet, a lot of things would change to the positive in your life.
Do you really mean to tell me that you sweat the same amount 100 pounds on or off? Well maybe if you sit still in an airconditioned room.
Pinker said:
That was incredibly insensitive.. I can't believe what you said.
You would think on a forum like this we would be able to seek some compassion from fellow sufferers at the very least.
Well I happen to believe that there is also compassion in looking for true solutions or atleast real improvement rather than symptom treatment. Obesity is a major cause to excessive sweating among other serious predicaments.