the perfect moment


Well-known member
Something to consider...''the perfect moment''. The perfect moment in time, a point in our lives when we say to ourselves ''SOMEDAY''. We sit and wait as the world all around us seems to just pass us by. We sit and overthink our thoughts until we create those thoughts into fearful fantasies of what may or not happen, fill ourselves full self doubts and limit ourselves to a life of meekness and loneliness...over the thought, SOMEDAY. YOU SEE why this distorted thinking is so very wrong? We love to make exscuses in order to avoid any possibility of rejection and of hurt emotions. Then we rob our own selves of joy and happiness as we accept that we should just wait, that someday all circumstances will be just perfect, that everything will be wonderful or ''just 'right''. DON'T, fool yourself, for SOMEDAY NEVER COMES..its a false hope, a false illusion. Things are only perfect if in your mind, you accept whatever the event you long for, is perfect. What is perfect to one person is a freaking diasaster to the next. Only in your very own mind, can you create perfection. Just as you create happineness, sadness, worriness, anger etcetera.....its all a thought in your head, and you choose to either accept as reality or dismiss it. The perfect moment is the moment unfolds as you live in. When you are in the NOW, the present, you do not live in the past and you dont live in the just deal with what is front of your very eyes as it unfolds. Believe when i tell you, that there is no perfect have to create what you believe in. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF...always tell yourself good things about your accomplishments, your worthiness, that you deserve to be loved and you have desires and needs like every single human being that ever lived and died. NO MORE EXCUSES, start right now on what needs to be improved upon (only you know what that is)....because if you really really want something so will always find a way to get it....but nothing will ever begotten if it is always just a fantasy in your head and you dont ever put thought into action, all because you let fearful scenarios creep into your head and said...''no wait..i cant! maybe someday things will be just right, then i try.''


Well-known member
Good post. Yeah, that's what we should do. We must act. That's so simple in theory, yet in practice it seems almost impossible. I know a lot of good advice, I can give advice all day, but when I need to put it into practice myself, I always find myself procrastinating.
My latest guess is that we have a lot of energy inside, a lot of dreams and motivation, but it all turns into sadness and negative thoughts, it stays inside and generates depressing cycles of anxiety. What if? What if? Oh my god, I'll never be able to do it. That kind of stuff.
If we could channel all that energy out of our minds, and turn it all into actions instead of thoughts, then I think we would be able to solve most of our problems.


Well-known member
I agree, the perfect moment is now. I'm sure a famous or important person said something to this effect and its true actually I think.