So I was looking on Yahoo Questions


Well-known member
And a girl asked about what kind of jobs would be suitable for someone suffering from Social Anxiety Disorders. I found some of the responses to be rather telling of how some outsider generally perceive social anxiety.
One person responded:

"I thought s.a.d. was seasonal affective disorder, where you get some depression during the winter months due to less exposure to sunlight..." This person obviously had no idea what she was even talking about.

Another person responded: "i would get medication to get rid of s.a.d. come on, society doesnt bite! Not to be insensitive but you should try to get rid of it."
This person made it sound as if social anxiety is some nasty bug that you can pop a few pills and get rid of.

There were some other helpful responses, but I just found those two interesting as they seemed to sum up the way many of the people I've encountered respond to social anxiety.
Hilarious! People know more about Seasonal Affective Disorder than they do about SA. Those people on Yahoo Answers don't know what they are talking about. People are just ignorant. Fuck 'em :D


Well-known member
I myself post questions on yahoo answers, i get some good answers but you also get ignorant bastards who are probably kids anyway.


Well-known member
SAD is seasonal affective disorder as well. Too bad that's the one more people know, because it's far less common!
Oh, I wish I could do something that made the whole world learn about social anxiety disorder.


Well-known member
See, I know stuff like that shouldn't bother me, but it DOES! Not the first response because I think that was just a misunderstanding, but the second does... People act like it's our fault and we just need to be more like them... They don't get that we're NOT like them.


Well-known member
There is alot of ignorance in the world when it comes to Social Anxiety. That's why I keep it to myself. I'm good at socializing when I have to. But I need time to myself.

I told a doctor once why I was so nervous and he simply told me to just get out there and interact with people more. Thanks doc, I wish it was always that easy. Mental health professionals have more understanding of SA, so they are the best route to go for help. Some regular doctors are ignorant as well.