Sexually harming thoughts

Do your obsessions sometimes get the best of you not in the way that you do compulsions, but that you feel like it might be true. Take for example my fear of harming someone else like being a pedophile, raping, or molesting someone, it gets to the point where I might believe it to be true? I could see it in my head and that is what scaring me, I get to the point I am afarid of raping someone that I could see it and I feel a bit of a boner coming and that scares me becaause I almost had one which feeds into the maybe I am one. and I am so scared of it to be true and wondered if anyone else has this, even if it doesn't pertain to the fear of harming someone, but to a fear that you fear.


Well-known member
nope i dont have that lol not anything to do with sex , but i do have violent thoughts towards people who hurt women or kids , its not nice to have the thoughts you speak about , but as long as they remain just thoughts its not a problem , its when you act on them then its a massive problem , we all think crazy things sometimes , you just have to see them for what they are , just mad random thoughts , and try to ignore them ...


Staff member
Not sure if this sounds like pure "O" OCD, that usually consists of the last thing you want to happen impulsively popping into your head.

Mine are "O" OCD voilent impulse thoughts, I feel no anger or hate nor any emotion to the other person, so I cannot see how in your case the arousal would come into it, I'm no shrink though.

Definitely worth speaking to a professional about or even a GP as soon as possible.