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  1. EmilyOlive

    Am I A Bad Person?

    Because I certainly feel like one. I've twice posted about my obsessive thoughts of pedophilia, how I know I'm not a pedophile but am always afraid it will happen, or is happening (even though I am by no means sexually drawn to prepubescent children). I think I am getting to be very good at...
  2. EmilyOlive

    Recurring Images of Pedophilia

    Hello everyone, I posted a while back about my fear of being a pedophile and wondering if I had OCD. Since posting I've found a couple others on this site who were terrified of being pedophiles. Thanks goodness I'm not alone ... Now, it is really important to me to be able to sort of name my...
  3. EmilyOlive

    Do I Have OCD?

    Hello everyone, I'm questioning whether I have some form of obsessive compulsive disorder. I'm really not eager to add another problem to my life, but ... I found that I have one of the same issues some sufferers seem to have. For the past two or so years, I've had a horrible fear of being a...