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  1. jabinda

    liposuction of sweat glands???? what the?

    Hey all, I was reading some more 'cure' sites and one was talking about using liposucation to remove sweat glands in order to reduce sweating, particularly butt and leg sweating... Anyone got any more info or views on this... Be nice to have some body sculpting done and paid for by my health...
  2. jabinda

    genetic or not?

    Hi, I have been doing a lot of research into Hh and the possibilities there being a genetic link. Some say that it can be a autosomal recessive gene... Two of my brothers are insulin dependent diabetics and my grandmother has an overactive thyroid....those are linked and there are some links...
  3. jabinda

    A life of hell after ETS

    I have suffered from HH since the day I was born. I came out sweaty and have stayed that way. I am now 26 (and a girl!). Originally, I only had HH effecting my hands and feet. But, in Dec 2002, I had a ETS (removal of the T2 ganglia). Since then, I have been diagnosed with Raynaulds, put on a...