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  1. FB2190

    Is it SA/SP that keeps people from listing their location?

    I've noticed that most users don't list their location in their profile. Is social anxiety/phobia the reason why people avoid giving their location? Thoughts?
  2. FB2190


    The Home Page to SPW says that there are 5977 members. Is there a user directory somewhere that lists all the members and their general locations? This would be helpful in helping people to meet, connect, form groups, etc. This is a very helpful and useful site to those of use with SA/SP...
  3. FB2190

    Identify non-specific location in posts and profiles

    Hello everyone, Propose that members identify a location (i.e. country / state / city ) in posts and profiles. Of course, specific info should never be disclosed (such as home addresses / phone #'s, etc.). But it'd help to know the area of the general area should members want to meet /network...