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  1. onecellinthesea

    Show me what you create!

    Whether it's little sketches, paintings, sewing, doodles, photography, knitting, poems, logo design, fan art, flower arranging, dog grooming, nail art, cutting hair, short stories, musings, baking, making music, painting gaming figurines...The list is endless. Nothing is too small or...
  2. onecellinthesea

    What have you done to help yourself today?

    Thought we could share our mini successes! My mini success: Today I've registered at a new Doctors surgery (been putting it off for 6 months!) with the aim of getting another course of CBT for APD (previous was for SA, I went to two sessions and didn't go back - the counselor sat staring at a...
  3. onecellinthesea

    Breaking through the 'acquaintance' barrier! Anybody had any luck?

    Hello all! I'll spare everybody a lengthy background, the short version is I was treated for Social Anxiety (CBT) but in the 3 years since diagnosis, though i've improved SO much, I've learnt that APD is my real issue. I can't get past the acquaintance barrier with anyone except my partner...