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  1. S

    Post your breakthroughs

    This is a method I picked up through therapy. Post on here anything that you do which is considered to be an accomplishment to you, something different that you before struggled with due to your anxiety. Whether it be making a new friend, going to the shops, or just doing something spontaneous...
  2. S

    What are your dreams/ hopes/ ambitions?

    Anxiety can prevent many of us from achieving and doing things that we want to do. If this were not a factor what would be the one thing you would like do? What dream would you like to see accomplished? I for one would love to audition to appear in a musical :)
  3. S

    Work problems

    I started a thread related to this but the situation has become a major problem and I don't know what to do. My job is very people involved which is difficult as it is and there is a new system in place which makes it even worse. I get tight chested and nauseous before I start at the very...
  4. S

    Decision making

    Does anyone else have trouble making decisions? Really mundane decisions? I was staying with my sister, who is outgoing (contrary to myself), and for an hour I was pressured into making to a decision about what we were going to do in the evening. The anxiety brought me to tears in the middle of...
  5. S

    I don't want to use my anxiety as an excuse

    I struggle with my job in various ways; whether it be training others, getting to know colleagues, talking to customers. I have held this job for five years and I found out I had SA seven months ago. I told my boss who either doesn't care or understand, probably both. The thing is now I can say...
  6. S

    Hello all

    Hello, I'm 21 and I have had social anxiety for as long as I can remember. I saw a therapist for about 3 months which helped my condition but I am still struggling to do normal everyday things including making friends of which I have none. I have joined this forum in the hope I can provide...
  7. S

    Writing to feel human

    When we live in a world of determinism, the law of cause and effect, the effect I have on the world is important and continues to remain important when I have no effect. When I say things and do things I ask myself after if it was really me who said and did these things. I can lie awake...