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  1. R

    in a uk court

    court proceedings I have a question if anyone can answer this, and experienced it. when in court and your sentenced to go to prison in the uk, does anyone know the procedure after sentence has been passed ?
  2. R


    In the uk/britain, Can you be sent to prison for not complying with a county court eviction order ?
  3. R

    Terrorist act

    If you had committed a terror act however small or big, and it was your first offence, And you were of good character in the past with no history, What is the likely hood of being sent to prison ?
  4. R

    Being arrested

    Has anyone on here ever been arrested by the police before, and locked up in a cell ? If so what are your experiences, and what is it like ?
  5. R

    in a uk court

    Has a defendant in a british court, Would you be able to wear shorts even if has part of this you were smartly dressed, and never wore or didnt want to wear trousers ?
  6. R


    Does anyone have any advice on dealing with a prison sentence, if you know your going ? What to expect, and the kind of things that go on. Ive been told its not frightening, just a very boring place to be.
  7. R


    Can you be sent to prison in the uk/britain for anthrax hoax ? How long could you get ? what penalties/sentence ?
  8. R


    Has anyone got any advice on how to deal with being in a uk prison ? What would I need to take with me to court in case of being sent to prison ? what kind of bag/clothes etc ? Has anyone on this site ever been inside or fear going inside ? ?