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  1. C

    Can you die from OCD?

    Here's one for you. If you have OCD and your scared on ingesting some"germ" and you drink mouth wash to counter act(compulsion) you can damage your digestive track leading to more health problems. If you really think about it.
  2. C

    It's a known fact, people with OCD are smarter.

    I read that people with this disorder tend to be a bit smarter/creative. I can see this, as our minds are always working. Anyone agree?
  3. C

    OCD and travelling

    I also wanted to know if anybody's OCD symptoms go away when you travel. I find I'm not as worried as when I am at home. I find this strange.
  4. C

    Driving over somebody?

    I get the occasional thought when I hit a speed bump, I think I might of ran someone down. Anyone get these fears? I go back and check just to make sure.
  5. C

    OCD clinic

    Anyone know of a great OCD clinic or boot camp and where?
  6. C

    OCD Children!

    Can anyone tell me if your kid(s) have OCD also. If so, what are the symptoms?
  7. C

    signs of OCD

    What was your "first" sign of OCD you or someone else noticed about you. I would say my parents telling my I was my hands too much when i was 12 years old.
  8. C

    OCD and headaches

    I find that the more people I talk to who have OCD have a lot of headaches. I usually get them after an episode, anyone with the same problem?
  9. C

    OCD Game show

    I think it would be a great idea to have a OCD games show. Kind of like Amazing Race, only the challenges are OCD related. Get Howie Mandel to host it.
  10. C

    what is your OCD trigger food?

    believe it or not, The two things that set off my anxiety is if I have more than 2 glasses of orange juice. The second is coffee. I find that there is a pattern to how I feel when I consume too much of these. How about you guys?
  11. C

    OCD, Life is worth living.

    I know what everyone on here is saying, but this is a great group of people who know what your going through. I have been taking 100mg of prozac to help with my symptoms, also helps me think a little bit clearer.
  12. C

    You can trick OCD.

    I am new to this site so I wanted to say hi...."hi". I have been living with OCD for 12 years now, and one trick I have learned is to trick my own thought. How does this work. My OCD is about diseases Hep,HIV etc. When I go out to a restaurant, and wash my hands, I want to go back and rewash...