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  1. L

    I feel I'm losing in touch with reality...

    I've been a depressed person most of my life. I must admit that I really have no life to begin with and truthfully I am not mentally able deal with harsh realities in life. Because of that, I turn to reading fiction instead. It became a safe haven for me. The years went on and I started...
  2. L

    trouble dealing with haters

    i know that haters are the most insecure and pathetic people ever so they just take their insecurities out on other people. i know that we're just suppose to ignore them but MY GOODNESS, the disgusting and despicable things they say to innocent people can cause the worst trauma in one persons...
  3. L

    thinking of killing yourself but too afraid to actually do it?

    ive been thinking of killing myself since i was a kid, im still doing it today. all the time i just wanted to die and ive always try to kill myself but i know in my head i really have no guts to actually do it. ive been suffering depression since i was a kid. ive always fantasize about killing...
  4. L

    being a people pleaser & being too nice is sickening! but why cant i stop?!

    im a very sensitive person, it really hurts my feelings if i upset someone and i hated being portrayed negatively by other people and i always want people to like me. ever since childhood i always feel inferior compared to others. im trying so hard to be assertive but when situations arrive...