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  1. G

    PE should be taken out of schools

    My name is Katie and the reason I have AvPD is because of one subject that was sometimes only 2 days a week. The subject was PE and the kids were brutal. When I was eight years old, a little second grader, I was smaller than the other kids (despite being older than most of them because of when...
  2. G

    so am I truly AvPD?

    I discovered this online and all the symptoms fit me almost perfectly. Of course, not all of them did but I've always been sure I was different. You see, I cannot talk to people I don't know unless I have to. I often just sit in the corner at parties, even when I'm with friends, because I'm so...
  3. G

    hi there

    My name is Katie (not Grace, that's my dog/sister's name). I'm 18 years old and I have AvPD. For years I kept thinking "I'm different than other people" and I could figure out why until I stumbled upon the symptoms for AvPD and they fit me perfectly. I do have friends, two who might have the...