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  1. iamthesolution

    OCD like crazy after nose surgery

    Okay, I've had four nose surgeries in the past five years, none of which were cosmetic. It started out to fix a deviated septum, then the surgery just made things worse, as did the revision. Another surgeon operated on me, and no good outcome either. I just had my fourth one done by a plastic...
  2. iamthesolution

    My story

    "and when another question appears, obsessions thrive on all my fears, until the answer to my question is found, then it will resonate with silent sound ...tranquility is my virtue..." i made up that quote above to somewhat express how i feel on a day to day basis. i'm 21 years old...and my ocd...
  3. iamthesolution

    OCD and Panic Attacks, Possible Treatment, Prozac

    Hey everyone, I am new here. Lately, I've been going through a very rough time. I have had OCD symptoms since I was 7 years old, and I am now 21. Within the last year, I have been having bad panic attacks. I am now taking 1mg Klonopin everyday, at nighttime, to help me unwind, relax, and it is...