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  1. whatever12

    I'm afraid of being around people

    I'm afraid more than ever to be around my friends, family, and strangers; because of how severe my panic attacks have been lately. I've suffered from panic attacks for 8 years. I'm in my early 20's and feel like I'm missing out on so much. I want to get better, not have any more panic attacks...
  2. whatever12

    I have no life

    Who feels like they don't have a life too? I'm sitting home today on a Friday night because I have no friends. I feel like I've wasted time thinking about my social anxiety instead of resolving it by going out there and making friends :cry:
  3. whatever12

    Can Hyperhidrosis be from stress and only from stress?

    I just found out about this condition. I've been sweating profusely all over. Not just sweating near specific spot such as having just my axillary's sweat, but my whole body sweat. Whenever I get stressed out or am afraid of sweating, I then sweat. The sweat smells like fish..It's sort of a...
  4. whatever12

    Beautiful words written wasted on what could be spoken

    I read all these post and see how beautiful all the words that everyone writes..why can we all use the words that we write into words spoken. Spoken to people who are the most important to us. Why can I write to people so expressively on here but not put into words comfortably to people out...