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  1. HellFire1989

    Okay so

    Like some of you people read, I smoke weed. I was completely out, and decided to go look for some. I knew my mom smokes, so i went to her room to have a look around. I look under her bed, in shoeboxes, then her dresser. Last drawer of the dresser, i find a magazine, on this magazine are 3...
  2. HellFire1989

    My little story. (Grab popcorn)

    Otay heres how things are going/got to this point. Its kind of long so get comfy. My SA started when I was about 13, (I'm 17 this Sunday) I was an alienated little kid. I had a huge gut, wore camouflaged shirt/pants. I played video games a lot, Battlefield 1942, Call of Duty etc, and I would...
  3. HellFire1989

    Cheesy, No?

    (Wrote this after I woke up from a dream last night) Yeah I want me a girl, Who likes that Rock n Roll, Gonna make all my worries, Seem bought and sold. She ain't no piece of meat, She ain't a one night deal, The girl I might not meet, The girl that is so unreal. Shes the girl I want to keep...
  4. HellFire1989

    Hello Hello

    My name is John, I'm 16. I live in Gilbert, Arizona. I found this forum out of desperation, desperation to complain mainly. I just wanted to talk to someone about some of the problems I've recently been noticing in myself. I'm a pretty quiet dude, nothing really special about me, ill tell you...