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  1. M

    I think my paranoia has led me to no mates? :/

    I think that I make up a lot of stuff in my head :/ things like people are looking at me, they are laughing at me, I am boring and et cetera I have never really told anyone bout my SA but its pretty obvious I have it but most people don't know what it is so I am just considered a freak since I...
  2. M

    Should I go doctors bout SA

    I keep telling myself that I will go but I never seem to be brave enough to make an appointment :/ Should I go? if I do what would I say about it and I am really scared that they will say that I am fine its just shyness or whatever and it obviously isn't and I hate having this and its keeping...
  3. M

    How to ask someone to hang out for the first time?

    Today was my last day of school :) yay, well for the summer anyway :P and I have actually made a friend :O after like years lol and it feels like its now over :/ I have hanged out with him but its always kind of been with him and him friends and I come of boring becuase I cant be in groups I...
  4. M

    Does anyone else find presentations so hard?

    I sometimes feel like I have gotten used to things like presentations and I can do them without my voice quivering, my hands shaking, getting hot and flustered, increase in heart beat, sweaty hands, stuttering and et cetera but I just had to do one today and I have noticed that I have gotten...
  5. M

    Social anxiety holding me back in life :(

    In my whole life I have never done most things I love because of social anxiety and it kind of sucks. I want to go uni next year to study film and moving image production at Norwhich university college of the arts and again social anxiety is holding me back :mad: I don't want to go, no matter...
  6. M

    Why couldn't I just have said no?!?!??!

    I got asked out today and I was not interested and yet I ended up giving my number away and having a date tomorrow :( and this was all because of my bad communication skills. I completely lost control just like I do whenever I am in a social situation, I panicked at the fact that some stranger...
  7. M

    Does anyone else feel worthless??

    Hello (: Lately I just been feeling worthless, like why am I here :/ I don't contribute to anything. I do nothing for nobody and nobody does nothing for me. If I died tomorrow or something no one would even notice ::(: I just feel like why am I here :/ anyone ever get those moment?