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  1. I

    Are you Organized or Disorganized? Time management skills?

  2. I

    Faking it-No More

    When all the planets are aligned, I can fake being normal pretty well i.e outgoing, charming etc. But, my SA will always creep in and ruin it. Then people will be like, "Oh, something is definitely wrong with that guy, he's a freak." So, from now I'm, I am just going to be upfront with potential...
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    Avoiding Problems, Responsibilities and Life

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    SLEEP-I need it

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    Severe Headaches

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    An Old OCD Paranoia

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    About Suicide

    I'm an extremely empathetic person. It truly hurts me to know that others are going through pain. I once met a girl online who said that she wanted to kill herself, I spoke to her endlessly for weeks, emailing her to seek help and counseling her on her issues. (ironically, I have a talent of...
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    Daydreaming-Is that how we cope?

    Does anyone else use Daydreaming as a crutch to cope with SA and depression? I feel like I've daydreamed my life away! I'm always living in my a life that I can't live in the real world. I also have a lot of romantic fantasies. Sometimes I catch myself smiling and then I feel sad...