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  1. X

    Being completely ignored in stores

    Hi So I was out looking for a bottle of wine. I got completely ignored by the people who worked there. There where a few other customers there who they helped. Whenever a new customer came in, I heard they got help. I walked there alone for a long time. At a time there was no other customers...
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    Do people hate me?

    A few situations lately: 1. I was at my local food store. I came to checkout with only 1 thing. The woman behind the checkout looked at me like I was not welcome there. She finnished with the customer before me, then when it was my turn, she turned around and start talking with someone else. I...
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    My physiotherapist is hot

    So I started going to this physiotherapist. I have been there 3 times. From now on I am suppose to go there 2 times a week. She's in her early 20s and has what I would say a perfect body figure. She's also have a beautiful face. It's not like I'm in love with her, but having this beautiful girl...
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    How to calm down when nervous

    I'm really nervous. I just got a mail from my psycologist which have talked to my social worker over the phone. My social worker kind of abondoned me when I needed her the most, and it really hurted my feelings. Partly because I'm in love with her. Anyway it looks like my social work have agreed...
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    She told me I'm NOT attractive at all

    Hi I was at the shopping mall, and met my aunt there. It was nice to see her again, because I have not seen here for a while and I think we have a pretty good relationship. She and her daughter has been on vacation in a Paris a few weeks ago. I made a joke that she could find a french girl to...
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    I was shocked when my psychologist said...

    ...that I am likeable :) That was so nice of her. NOT anyone have said that to me before. NOT ANYONE! I'm glad I went to her. I've been there 3 times, and it seems like she understands me and want to help me. She gave me her number and told me to call her if/when I get depresive and thinking...
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    My social worker hates me?

    Hi all amazing people here :) I hope it's going well for you. For me, I'm left with this feelings and thoughts after the meeting with my social worker today. I started going there in april, and since june I started going there weekly for support. This is the only social contact I have during a...
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    Sun studio. I'm scared....

    The weather has been very nice her and I've been out in the sun alot, and got a nice tan in face neck and arms. But I want to get an more even tan. There's a sun studio her I live, just 5 mnutes walk or less from my home. It's open from 6 am to 24am everyday. I'm really anxious about going...
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    Neighboors hate me

    Even though we have lived here 10 years +, I still don't know any of our neighboors. I don't think they like me very much. They seem to be very good friends with eachother. I often see them outside talking and laughing. Offcourse I'm not welcome to join them. They probaly think I'm some kind of...
  10. X

    People thinks I'm a shoplifter?

    So today I had a pretty nice day. Out shopping, and I didnt care at all what other people thought about me. I went in the store, tried some clothes and decided to buy them. The employes was nice and polite and everything went fine, until I was about to leave. There where alot of people in the...
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    It's getting worse.

    At wednesday I was at my social worker and talked about my social phobia. It's so nice to talk to her. She's super nice, understands and is supportive. At the end she gave me a hug. When I'm not there I feel sad and depressed. I have noone to talk to. Today I tried to go to the shopping centre...
  12. X

    Cognitive therapy

    Hi all! Today I talked to my social worker about social phobia. It's the first time ever I talk to someone about this. As expected it was hard for me to open to her. She was very nice and understanding, and told me that I shouldnt feel this way. She also told me that I could tell her anything...
  13. X

    Should I talk to her about social phobia?

    I am a 32 year old male, still leaving at my parents and never been in a relationship. Never ever been together or close to a girl at all. I don't see how it's possible for someone like me to get a girl. I am ugly and can't talk and people threat me like garbage. Anyway, I have a chronic...