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  1. Miserum

    Memories Are Memories

    I was lying in bed last night trying to get to sleep when, as usual, my brain triggered me into remembering a no longer relevant humiliating and self-deprecating event. Of course, I started to cringe and smack my forehead about this event that must have happened 10 or more years ago, trying to...
  2. Miserum

    Competence and the Meritocracy

    People judge, and will always judge other people by what they can practically do. By what their merits are. A person could be well-read; a person could be a morally good person; a person could be amiable; a person could have interesting hobbies. But if that person doesn't have a tangible...
  3. Miserum

    Do you have trouble laughing in front of others?

    With minor exception, I never really, sincerely laugh when I'm around others. I mean, I'll laugh, but it's either nervous laughter, or polite laughter. Sometimes someone will get me with something that I find REALLY funny, and then I'll sincerely laugh, but that's rare. Sounds sociopathic and...
  4. Miserum

    Expectation vs Reality

    My expectations for how the world should treat me doesn't sync with the actuality of the world. And it's probably yet another cause in the puzzle known as my social anxiety. Despite the pitfalls of my adolescence, I had a relatively happy childhood up until the age of 5, when my parents...
  5. Miserum

    Divided Focus and Expecting Things to Go Wrong Contributes to My SA

    One of the reasons I don't like going out into public or socializing much is because I feel like I will be mocked or seen as incompetent. But I have to go out in order to live, so I do. When I go out, I am so focused on people observing me and expecting me to **** up at every turn, that I lose...