Does anyone else feel that your memory is bad because of antidepressants and anti-anxiety medication. I have a really touch time remembering a lot of my past and I wonder if its from the drugs I have taken for 18 years.
Wouldn't everything be better for us if we just didn't give a sh.t? Isn't that how most people who don't suffer with social anxiety get by? Why do we care so much about other people? Its our world, they are just living in it.
So although i have suffered with hypervigilance for a long time, until recently I had no idea there was a name for it. Does anyone else have it and have you had any success being less aware of your surroundings?
I really want to beat this and any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I believe yoga could help me by learning how to control my thoughts better but I get alot of anxiety about walking into that first class. Would everyone be looking at me? Would I be wearing the right clothes? Is the class all girls?