Not for religious people


Well-known member
i really don't like that my mother keep coming to me about me needing to pray. She is really getting on my nerves about it. I think it's just that she knows I don't pray and don't believe in that is to be the reason she does this to me. The fact that I just lost my job she most likely think it's because of that too. I was actually pretty successful a few years sago and I don't pray. She always want to talk about me reading the bible before anyone else did. No I did it because I wanted to read something. I went to church because I wanted something to do. I don't believe in worshipping someone. I lost my job because I couldn't get to work, not because I don't pray. I don't have a job right now because no one wants to hire me because lack of experience. Not because I don't pray. I'm just sick of this. It's like when I was 16 all over again except I'm an adult with a child so my life is worse now.


You want to know how I got these scars?
Stay true to yourself, if you don't want to be religious - dont be! It's your choice :)
Don't let others force their beliefs down your throat. Like you have said, you're an adult and can make your own choices.I haven't looked at your profile, but I'm guessing your in America? From what I know, religion is much more prevalent there compared to where I live.

And personally, I don't have a problem with religion in itself - but with the way people practice it. If they just went about believing and practicing their religion without trying to force it upon others, I believe there would be much less tension among people.
After all, isn't some of the values of christians to - love thy neighbor? Forgive those who trespass against us? Yet it seems those rules apply only if you adhere to their belief system. There seems to be so much less tolerance among people these days..

Anyway, stay true to what you believe in, religious based or not. :)


Well-known member
If you're not religious, she shouldn't be forcing that on you. As Pug said, stay true to what you believe in! :)


Well-known member
I can understand how religious people want to force their beliefs on others but nonetheless I think it's wrong (especially how they go about it) and I understand how annoying it is when someone tries do do this.
You're an adult, and you have the right to believe what you want :)
I would try to explain that to your mom in a peaceful way, and then maybe the topic won't be brought up again ... (or at least that often) ..?