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  • Weeks? Try 5 months of constant family drama? :kickingmyself: Good thing I still play my electric guitar cuz that's been my only outlet lately. Thankfully, I'm moving and getting a place of my own in the New Year. The sad thing is I'm the youngest, and grow-up with the 2 older sisters, and I'm more mature than they are. :eek:mg: But anyway...

    I've seen Iron Maiden live 3 times. They were my first ever concert in fact, back in 2003. That was during their Dance of Death tour. Then I saw them again in July 2011, which was followed by Judas Priest the next day that month. And most recently I saw Maiden on the UK leg of the Books of Souls tour. I tried to get tickets for Metallica this year, but tickets were way too pricey at £100, plus the booking fee. But I did see them for the first time back in 2009, on the World Magnetic tour, though. It was a few days short of my birthday, I was full of the flu, but I wasn't going to miss that gig. :bigsmile:
    Hiya :greeting:

    Honestly? Not good at the moment. Dealing with my family's dysfunctional drama and constant arguing. Sadly that's been the norm for me most of my life. The joys of being the only male in a matriarchal household! :sad:

    But hey, at least I've got music as my escape, outlet, and coping mechanism. Blasting Maiden, Priest, Metallica, and any other heavy bands usually drowns out the sound of my family arguing amoungest themselves, if played loud enough. :bigsmile:
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