Recent content by sweet4certain

  1. S


    does anyone here have myspace or facebook?
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    Social failure at College

    I feel really bad about myself... I graduated high school in 2003, i was very shy, but i had a pretty good group of friends, and one best best friend, who is still my best friend to this day. I decided to go to college 6 hours away from my home because i thought it would help me grow as a...
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    flight 93

    I saw the movie flight 93 last night... for those of you who may not know what it is... its about september 11th and what went on during the hijacking of United Airlines flight 93 before it crashed. Not only did it make me cry, It made me think about how i would have reacted in that absolutely...
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    I'm new here, my story...

    I'm a 20 year old female and i'm currently attending college. I've been what you would call "Shy", as far back as i can remember. It wasnt until recently that i thought i may actually have social anxiety disorder. All through elementary school I was very shy, i had friends, but i would feel very...