Recent content by silverwolf

  1. silverwolf


    I have low levels of serotonin, so I'm permanently on medication. However I havn't liked the sexual sides that you get with most Anti-depressants. Has anyone tried Wellbutrin? Is it effective? and what are the drawbacks?
  2. silverwolf

    YUCK. i don't know how u can call this ART!!!

    I just saw a music video by a Japanese rock band called Dir En Grey and I thought it was really gross I don''t how this can be called art. I think Japan's culture is so repressed that that some people become extreme and produce wierd things like this. I'm gonna provide you with a link so you...
  3. silverwolf

    this girl

    I went to university today and I saw this girl. She was out of this world I've never seen a girl like this even on TV or in magazines. She was the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I can't stop thinking about her. Really strange. I've never had this feeling before just from looking at someone.
  4. silverwolf

    why do the bad guys get all the girls?

    Hi sorry to all the jerks out there. Has anyone ever heard the saying 'nice guys finish last'. I think I'm one of the nice guys yet it seems to me all the guys like me don't get any women but all the guys I consider to be 'jerks' do. Does anyone share my view? Why do you think this is?
  5. silverwolf

    my picture but I can't post it in the photo album

    Here's my pic but I can't post it in the photo album can the moderators or webmaster help.