Recent content by P_Floyd

  1. P_Floyd

    SA is winning this fight

    So heres my problem, last week college started (it's my first year), when I was coming to the college I saw many people (maybe 100+), everyone talking having fun and that had making me nervous. So what did I? I turned back and went home. I couldn't stop thinking about that day, so I went to my...
  2. P_Floyd

    Give a speech

    Hey everyone, right now I got a little (BIG) problem, in 3 weeks I need to give a speech and I can't skip it. So, I will be in the front of 40 or 50 people, they are sitting looking at me while I speak. From that 40 or 50 people I only know 10 or 15 of them, the rest are all strange and...
  3. P_Floyd


    Hi, I’m new at the forum; I discovered this forum when I was searching information about social anxiety. I’m 18 years old and my social life sucks, I am afraid to talk to somebody and shy. When I try to talk I just think about what the other person will think about me, that’s why I get afraid to...