Recent content by Oizys

  1. Oizys

    Dating Question

    So I haven't dated anybody in 2 or 3 years, frankly I don't remember when I broke up with my last girlfriend, but something that's bothered me for years that I'd only realised when I stopped dating was that I seem to attracts two kinds of people - people I wouldn't date, and people I find...
  2. Oizys

    Exercising/Staying in Shape?

    I'm curious about how other agoraphobics get their exercise, I'm kind of looking for tips and methods to use myself. I guess I'll explain my situation and see what I get back. In the beginning when I tried to work out, the effects of working out mirrored a panic attack - sweating, short of...
  3. Oizys


    I'm 24 from Ireland. I came here because I just want somebody to talk to, about anything, nothing, everything, and I've no idea how to socialise, even on the internet. I tick a lot of boxes here, anxiety, shyness, agoraphobia, depression, AvPD, and panic attacks. I'm in therapy but it's slow. I...