Recent content by mewdew

  1. M

    Does anyone here have good self esteem and still have SA?

    It looks like the sole cause of SA is because we think we're ugly, either on the outside or the inside or both.. Perhaps SA is nothing more than a symptom of our flaws.. we weren't accepted growing up because we were ugly in some way, so we grew up really insecure with ourselves because all...
  2. M

    Should I take meds... will they help?

    I used to take 20mg of celexa and then switched to paxil when I told my psychiatrist that it didn't give me any beneficial effects. I didn't notice paxil giving me ANYTHING so... I don't really know if I even should be taking meds. I don't really have panic attacks or anything, I just feel...
  3. M

    Miserable whining ...

    I've been lurking these forums for a while and it just seems to me like everyone here is so miserable. Just like me... I don't know, this just feels so wrong, don't you think? A lot of us are just posting here to whine about how awful our lives is... and it seems like there's nothing we can do...