Lorraine Manca

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  • There's only order when you think you see it - the fractals could go on forever, with an infinity of possible patterns. You can't predict order, only expect it when you see it. What order do you see in the fractals? I was using the Mandelbrot Set to show that perceived patterns can repeat or look similar - like the possibility of earth type planets. The poster was arguing that order was confined to our solar system - still confused?
    "happy valentines" have you been on the caffeine again!!!

    is this a serious question? i dont really want to go to amsterdam!! i was only joking. i nearly got jailed the last time!!
    im my usual self :) pretty fukin useless :D
    hows you lorraine, it feels like ive not spoke to you in ages!! did you get my email?
    yes i know what ya mean. im great at the moment. keeping positive. had to take a small break from the site (only a few days) at the weekend. was gettin a bit depressed, went out hung with me m8s and im good again for another while, i hope. lol
    lmao, your welcome :D . is everything alright?? (i aint sayin i no ya but u seem down atm, i always get a positive impression off ya from ur messages on the forum)
    aye, ahl let you know more about it, once i figure it all out. theres quite a few folks from here on it, the only thing is it seems to be really slow.
    thanks 'lorraine' :) XXX
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