Recent content by lac operon

  1. lac operon

    Can I Live?

    For the last couple weeks I fell deep. My mind went blind during Midterms, anxiety kicked in instead. I see no light in the future, I want to end this. Crying became a habit. I see no future. I see no point to live. I F**Ked up. I have no one to talk to. I can't even speak. But, I...
  2. lac operon

    What's Happiness to you?

    To me, Happiness is to be able to make my self feel happy.
  3. lac operon

    OCD at its best

    One of my friend he doesn't like the Number 4, When he buys energy drink he never buys rockstar because rockstar vanilla coffee is 444ml. When he makes video with several parts, he never makes part 4. When he buy stuffs he never buy 4, he buys either 3 or 5. what ever he does he void 4. When...
  4. lac operon

    THis is exactly How I am in real life + SAD

    YouTube - Tourettes Syndrome - The Boy Can't Help It - Funny and sad
  5. lac operon

    Payback time for the Bullies

    When I was young I moved to a new country, where I have been isolated and bullied by other ethnic groups. Not long after I got Tourettes Syndrome and SAD. I been Bullied so many time because of them, it got to a point I got so pi$$ed off, I rather get pi$$ed on. There is a bully always...
  6. lac operon

    Lonely and Depressed

    Even though I have so much studying to do, I still gets lonely and depressed sometimes. When I am studying at the Library I always see young couples helping each others with problems; Buying each other food and take care each others. Why can't I be the same? I have to do all the stuffs my...
  7. lac operon


    Why do i have sad? Why do i have ocd? Why do i have ts? Why am i fat? Why am i still a virgin? Why am i depressed? Why? Please someone tell me why?
  8. lac operon

    I am crazy!!

    In my University classes there are many Attractive Girls. There are few girls I like right now in my Labs, my Lectures and at work. As I am progressing on my Social Phobia treatment, I had no problems talking with them, It's just that when I get home I keep getting "extremely bad thoughts" and...
  9. lac operon

    Watch This Great Video of a University student who suffers from SAD

    Watch this great video, the person is also on this fourm, but due to privacy concern he asked me not to post his username. YouTube - Social Anxiety Disorder: My life Pt 1
  10. lac operon

    SA In University Of Alberta.

    If You live in edmonton area or attending University of Alberta, Please join me and my other SA friends during weekend, and We can have a SA healing party.
  11. lac operon

    Need someone to talk to when I feel depressed

    Hello people, I often get very stressed from university and volunteer works, the stress and anxiety makes me feel depressed. Since I barely have any friend that I can talk to, I wish I could talk to some people that feel my pain. Add me on msn: [email protected]
  12. lac operon

    Am I The Only One Like THis???

    Hello People, I am a med school Student at the University of Alberta. Through out the year, so many bad things happened to me, they are just unimaginable. I got the Tourette's Syndrome when I was in Grade 7, I got made fun by almost everyone. I felt sad and depressed, so I start eat and eat...