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  • Hey, I'm Katie, I'm 14 and I'm a freshman. I have a very interesting life, which is weird seeing as how I have no friends or sibilings or a boyfriend. I am very very close with my mom, my stepdad, my grandparents, and a few other family members. I have one best friend who means the world to me and that makes me forget I even have social anxiety dissorder when I'm around her, and there's this one boy who I'll never forget even though he has no idea I even exist. I love them both like crazy. I've been in the hospital having about 17 surgeries, including open heart surger at 3 days old, most of my childhood. That's probably a contributer to my social phobia (because I never interacted with kids much). I've had a very very different life than most people so far. I want to be an oncologist when I grown up and I want to travel to as many places as I possibly can before I die. I want to "make each day count" as Jack said in Titanic (my favorite movie ever! :) and live life to the fullest)
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