Recent content by jus

  1. jus

    getting itchy.. randomly..

    for the last few years i've randomly been gettng realy itchy all over due to some alergy i guess. It sort of comes and goes every few days. I dont think its related to environmental factors as happens if its hot or cold. and yeah.. i dont have flee's :P I believe im alergic to strawberries and...
  2. jus

    Need some new TV shows to watch...

    Anyone know any amusing TV shows to download, I know you USA folk get to see most of them first, so you guys probably know heaps of good ones I havnt heard of. Im talking about things like Simpsons, American dad, family guy, modern family, Big bang theory etc etc etc. I recently watched...
  3. jus

    Loud neighbours

    Hey ppls. I live in an apartmnt block and have 1 set of very loud neighbors. They basicaly scream when they talk, or just scream from 1 side of the house the other, move furniture around quite often at 2-3am. Or perhaps cook food at 2am then you get to hear them cleaning up while they bang...
  4. jus

    Approaching girls (well anyone realy depeding on your situation)

    Hey Everyone :) I used to go on this site 2 years back then stopped for a while. I've unfortunatly not made any progress in those 2 years... so im back ! Currently im looking into this thing "demonic confidence" 21 day course. There are basicaly differant challenges you do each day. The...