Recent content by JayHender

  1. J

    Hyperhidrosis Causing Eczema

    I have had eczema on my feet for around 5 years now. Never was under control just seem to come and go whenever it pleased. However about a year ago I started to develop eczema on my hands too. Now my hands and feet are covered with eczema. (I have HH on hands and feet.) It just does not seem to...
  2. J

    People who Understand

    I lack friends that understand me and my weird brain and the daily struggles it gives me. I really just want to talk to people who understand what a struggle each day can be. I enjoy sports, video games, really into my music, horror films and also like si-fi. I hope to speak to some of you at...
  3. J

    Should I tell my friends and family about my HH?

    Recently I have been pondering withier to share with my friends and family about my HH. From the response I have got from doctors and close family members is that "it's no big deal, it just something you have got to live with." Have any of you told others about your HH if so how do people take...
  4. J

    Which Treatment Option Is Most Effective?

    Hey guys this is my first post here! A little bit about me I am a teenager, I have Hyberhidrisos, dyslexia and dyspraxia! I would say I have quite bad HH. I struggle to write things on paper as I leave big puddles on the page. My hands littery constantly sweat no matter the temperature. I...