Recent content by izimbra

  1. izimbra

    26, never been employed. How to explain in interview?

    I've been able to manage my anxiety enough to apply for positions, but if I do get an interview it's likely I'll be asked why I've never had a real job. I don't have a good reason besides my SA and I can't think of how I would put a creative spin on that. Has anyone dealt with a similar...
  2. izimbra

    My thoughts get lost.

    When I was a kid and my parents tried getting me to talk about my grades, I couldn't explain it. "I can't say." "You can say it." "No, I REALLY can't say." I scared them. And it just made it more pathetic. It was just that the panic became so concrete that nothing could come out. Psychological...
  3. izimbra

    Anybody actually like large crowds?

    I told a friend of mine this, who then said I don't have SA because of that. I don't think she gets it, but it made me wonder. It's a place free of mental congestion for me. Especially if it's an airport or another city. Everyone's so busy with themselves that it drowns out my anxieties. It...