Recent content by Girl_Anachronism

  1. Girl_Anachronism

    do you have a medication horror story?

    Does anyone else have one? Mine: I used to take klonapin, 4 mg a day. But I would take like 2 a day and save the rest in a little bottle hidden away...and then when I had something like a date or job interview I would take 11. I did it for five years but one day told my psychiatrist about it and...
  2. Girl_Anachronism

    Finding a job, oh no!!!

    Well, I spent the summer detoxing from klonapin and then being super depressed and now it's time for this 22 year old college drop out to find a JOB. NOO!!!! :eek: Oh man, I don't know what to do! I mean, I hate going outside because I'm afraid people in cars driving by look at me and want to...