Recent content by Doubiousness

  1. D

    Alcohol is Necessary

    Who else needs to have alcohol in a social setting. I know I can't seem to get by in any social gathering without booze being involved. That thing that I always do is that when I have nothing to say I always just start chugging because I have anything to contribute to the conversation. The...
  2. D

    SuperBowl this year

    I know this doesn't have to do with the website but I just want to know. This year I don't want any teams to win the super bowl. I have negative attitudes toward all of them. The pats always seem to win, and I don't care much for Baltimore since I live in DC. My lying ass old roommate is a fan...
  3. D


    I live in DC. I am in my 20s. I have friends that I go out with, and occasionally meet girls to go out on dates. Nothing ever happens, and more times than not, they simply do not call me back so I move on assume they are not interested. But the worst part is lately, I feel everyone is blowing...