Recent content by dave7352

  1. dave7352

    I’m down on 1 knee Will you marry me?

    I’m far from new to this site. I’m so fed up with life. I feel so lonely, all I want is some 1 to love yet I have no1. I’m 21 5,8 height average build, slightly chubby thighs, I’m not a stunner but I’m not bad at all. Agree to marry me I will come and get you tomorrow we will get maayed and...
  2. dave7352

    AAAA a net friend/potential girlfriend wants to meet me HELP

    This girl I’ve been talking to on the net wants to meet up, its obviase for both of us that we both want a partner and relationship. But what do I do I can’t even talk to girls I’ve known for years without going BRIGHT RED and finding some stupid excuse to end the conversation in the first 5...
  3. dave7352

    Coping with Blushing by Dr. Robert Edelmann (its a Book)

    Hey, was wondering if anyone had read this book and if so there opinion on it. As I've just ordered it from Amazon along with "Overcoming Social Anxiety: A Self-help Guide Using Cognitive Behavioural Techniques" by Gillian Butler and "How to Talk to Anyone" by Leil Lowndes I bought the...
  4. dave7352

    Ease the blushing in the class room - something I come acros

    This was something I found over at ESFE CHANNEL (another forum similar to this one) and I thought it was quite a good idea that may help people control there blushing in class easer and there for able to ask questions in class. Hope you like it. February 9, 2007 I don't feel embarrassed about...
  5. dave7352

    Meds for social anxiety and facial blushing

    I was hoping you cold give me some advice. I have mentioned my blushing and social discomfort problem to my doctor twice now as a sort of ‘well as I’m here can you do anything about this’ sort of thing and twice he gave me 2 different types of beta-blockers. I am going to see him again soon...
  6. dave7352

    Meds for social anxiety and facial blushing

    I was hoping you cold give me some advice. I have mentioned my blushing and social discomfort problem to my doctor twice now as a sort of ‘well as I’m here can you do anything about this’ sort of thing and twice he gave me 2 different types of beta-blockers. I am going to see him again soon...
  7. dave7352

    Normal when I’m drunk

    My one and only friend said to me the other day and I quote ‘your really fun when your drunk and I can have a conversation with you’ (we were both sober at the time) and without even thinking about it (which would mean this is what I believe) my reply was ‘yes I know I’m normal when I’m drunk’...
  8. dave7352

    Do you have pee shyness? POLL

    Do you have pee shyness? POLL Male and female