Recent content by burner21

  1. burner21

    How do you REALLY know if someone likes you?

    Is that someone (girl if you're a guy and vice versa) talking to you just to be nice or do they actually like you more than in a friendly way? How can you tell for sure? I always go with the "they're just being nice" side. Is this usually a social anxiety thing? I noticed that if someone...
  2. burner21

    that feeling of regret

    how do you all deal with regret? It's something that i want to avoid and it doesn't happen too much with me, but when it happens, it's one of the worst things in the world. I also can't help but feel that regret comes from the fact that I have social anxiety. which makes it worse because i'll...
  3. burner21

    Going to places alone

    hello all, i'm new on here so i dont know if this has been talked about already or not but, I want to know your thoughts on going to places like concerts and movies all by yourself. I've been shy/socially anxious seems like all my life and I want to try to lessen it. I'd like to get out and do...