Maybe it's not arrogant after all!


Well-known member
One day at a time... I'm just pushing through. It's finally caving in!

I have a retarded question. Has anyone here ever gotten the impression that if they started liking themselves that people would perceive them as arrogant? The only reason I'm asking is because I think it's common among any group of people who don't have a whole lot of confidence to spare. It's not that they bluntly hate themselves, but they're just afraid of what *could* ahem... *potentially* happen.

Guess what I just found out? It's not arrogant in the slightest! Nothing bad could happen! Stunning realization of the week: It's not a crime to like yourself! Do it a lot. I dare you. If somebody really despises you for it, you have my sincere permission to insult me in any way you please.

As long as you still value the presence of others, you're not going to be perceived as arrogant. get what I mean? It's absolutely fine to fall in love with yourself for all I care - just as long as you don't treat the rest of the world like trash.

Personally, I just uncovered the fact that in reality, I think I'm awesome but I'm too afraid to show it. Or even think it for that matter. Also, though, I think everyone around me is awesome... but once again, I have trouble showing that too. But there's not even a risk factor in either of these situations! You just gotta see the light.

In conclusion, if you're viewing this thread, you're awesome. And I honestly hope you think so too. It's not a crime to love yourself like a friend would!!