I swear from this point on


Well-known member
I will not drink another energy drink.

I don't like the feeling it gives me but I haven't been able to stop drinking them. I feel on edge and strange...er in social situations. I feel like they make my mind race even faster and that brings nothing but bad things. I've been drinking them since I was 12 or 13 and I'm almost 19 now. I'm done with their crap and the caffeine. To hell with them...


Active member
They're all junk - liquid sugar for christ's sake! I hope you succeed with your vow. That putrid filth simply has no business taking up space in anyones body.
Energy drinks are tons of sugar and caffeine and a bunch of other junk. This exactly what you DONT need if you have anxiety problems.


Well-known member
Frankie Boyle-"I drink energy drinks now. It’s good that they’ve finally managed to can anxiety."
it just boases ur anxiety like sweets do it for me,.. and I'm also addicted in a way.. poeple take being addicted to sweets very easily:p