I really don't know what to do anymore


New member
Im 17 years old and I've always thought of suicide since I was 10. a couple of years ago, my dad passed away. this left me with my 30 y/o brother who molested me when I was younger, my uncle (dads brother) who is practically the only member of my family with sense, and my delusional mother who believes that someone planted video cameras in our house and is watching her every move, causing her to be extremely paranoid all the time and taking things out n me. Recently, my uncle had a stroke and probably will not make it. im left with my mother who I love very dearly, for shes all I have, but this life has just become too much. i confided in relationships for support. One last a while and I was both emotionally and physically abused. Recently, I lost my boyfriend of 9 months because of course, with no surprise i mess everything up. I have always had very serverse depression but I have not been diagnosed. Whenever I would bring up seeing a doctor, her immediate solution is that I need to pray. Yes, pray. I wake up every single morning wishing I hadn't. It is so difficult for me to get out of bed. I feel a weight on me and I just sit and cry. School sucks because im in a scholar's academy and anything below a 90 is practically failing. I truthfully cannot take anything anymore. with the passing of my dad, the situation with my mom where she thinks she's being watched all the time, past boyfriends, I just feel like I can't do it anymore and I don't know what else to do. I don't smoke or drink because I have a very addictive personality and I fear that if I even try it I won't stop. So luckily, I do not have not problem. I just don't know what to do because I know my desire to be here at all is slowly dwindling.

If you actually read all this, thanks.
After all you've been through it doesn't surprise me you're feeling the way you are, i'm sorry you had to live through what you have. I know it's difficult to find good in your life when there is so much bad. It's hard to find reasons to stay around. Something that keeps me going is thinking about the life that i want, picturing it. I want you to picture in your head the life you want, and most importantly i want you to fight for it. You won't feel like this forever, i promise. These bad times have come to pass, not stay. If you ever need me, don't be afraid to send me a message. You're not alone. :)


Well-known member
First thing, great job on saying no to alcohol and smoking. I used to be severely depressed and was an addict for a few years, and it just makes everything worse. I can't understand how much pain your feeling for I haven't been in your situation. I did notice however your marks problem. If you have trouble with your marks maybe you can get a tutor. I also recommend you see a therapist for better tips and such. I hope everything get's better if you ever want to talk just message me.


Well-known member
i would stop caring about school so much. i mean, if you want, i can be your friend.