How do you make up names?


Well-known member
This is kind of followed by the baby making name idea, I'm wondering though how you come up with creative names? I only got those baby name ideas from others which I thought would've been good, but I want to make up my own names. Also would be good for characters I'm using for a fantasy story. Can anyone help me?


Well-known member
hopefully this is of some use :) otherwise please toss heartily over the shoulder :)
sometimes taking names from other cultures is one way....
maybe if you visualize the people and then choose their names from baby book...

i will be honest with you, sometimes the made up names work...and sometimes they dont, for me at least when i read sci fi and fantasy.

where is the location of the characters and does it resemble somewhere on earth? and can a location on earth be part of the inspiration for names? just wondering...


Well-known member
Well to start off this takes place in a big forest. I'm just looking for made up names,(I don't necessarily believe names should fit because of personality wise because everyone is different. Example many people think the name Brittney is mean and popular. But there are brittney's who are nice.) I don't know if the best idea is to type out random letters and form them into a name to see what I come up with since I tried to do it. I don't know if you'd like to hear the names because they aren't that good. I'm just asking how most people come up with really good names, yet I don't know how they do it.:question:


Well-known member
I guess in a way it does resemble earth since there are forests, castles, bridges, rivers, ect. if that's what you are asking.


Well-known member
Trying to come up with a name completely from scratch is hard, and probably won't seem very 'natural' regardless. Mankind has a few thousand year's worth of names, and there's nothing stopping you from modding them.

My go-to website has always been, funnily enough. I come up with something related to the character, use that form to search by meaning, and ponder everything that comes up. If nothing immediately strikes me as 'Yeah, that sounds good', I'll either:

1) Try searching for another trait or whatever related to the character.
2) Start disassembling the names into component syllables and messing with the sounds/feel of the name. (I can do this in my head but a friend swears by saying them out loud).
3) Usually, I'll have the first letter of the name in mind, or will have decided on one by this point. If I see something that's not quite right, I'll figure out what origin the name has and then look up by origin and just browse 'til something feels right.

Basically, I look around for inspiration and then tinker with what I find.