How do you know if what you have is depression?


Active member
Depression is a medical condition, so you need to consult a medically trained person. Find someone who is expert in mental conditions, because a lot of family physicians think they know about depression but their knowledge is quite shallow.


Well-known member
Depends on what you mean by "something else".

If you feel constantly hopeless, worthless, and sad, and this is getting in the way of doing things you should be doing, it's probably depression of some kind.


Well-known member
Depends on what you mean by "something else".

If you feel constantly hopeless, worthless, and sad, and this is getting in the way of doing things you should be doing, it's probably depression of some kind.

Yeah, definitely.
Depression is a medical condition, which means you need to consult a clinically trained person. Find someone who's expert in mental circumstances, because a lot of family doctors think they know about depressive disorders but their knowledge is quite short.


Well-known member
As the others have said, talk to a doctor if you think you may have depression. (if you don't know where to go, see your family doctor and ask for a referral to a spe******t.) <-- I don't know why that's bleeped out! It is special -ist.

Depression is a long-lasting (I believe 6 months or longer) feeling of worthlessness, sadness, and hopelessness without any cause or reason. Common symptoms also include fatigue, loss of enjoyment in activities you like, suicidal thoughts, lack of energy, weight loss or gain, lack of concentration and focus, and lack of motivation. It is also more likely to occur in families that have a history of depression.

To be qualified as a disorder, these feelings must be frequent, over a long period of time, and significantly interfere with your daily life.

Not a professional, but I'm a psych major and possibly future psychiatrist. And I have depression.


You want to know how I got these scars?
You may have depression if;

- you feel sad for extended periods.
- you dont enjoy doing things you usually would.
- you stop looking after yourself. Eg; personal hygiene.
- you start questioning your self worth.
- you have suicidal thoughts or contemplate suicide.

These are only a few indicators that you MAY be depressed.
Your starting point to finding out is your family doctor.
He/She will assess you and possibly refer you to a mental health professional who can help you further.
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Well-known member
Why does everyone give so much to credit to everything that psychology says?

If your life sucks compared to everyone else's, how are you supposed to feel if not sad and unworthy?

Why is feeling bad never considered just the normal, logical, rational reaction instead of a medical condition that can always be treated no matter what your personal circumstances are?