Hi and a big shout out to all in tyne and wear UK


Hi im new here, so go easy. My names Justin im 23 and i live the lonely life of a social phobic in Tyne and Wear UK.
I do have friends, but fit the classic profile i.e. avoid soaicl situations if i can, dont make phone calls unless i have to, have never had a girl friend, dont have many close friends, hate being on show, hate being the center of attention, and hate being with large groups of people.
Unfortunatley im a sheltered housing officer and a large part of my job which i recently got is social, especially around this time of year. I am good at the office and technical side, but on the other side i fall down.
I am seeking help though, and hopefully next year will be better.

This is a great place and it has made me feel better about my self, keep up the good work!
