Has anybody just fled a room?


Well-known member
Stuff like School and important stufff I suffer it out. At work which is a parts store, I will often have to go into the back to take breathers.

I have left parties, meetings and social gatherings etc if I find the opportunity to slip out without being noticed, but I have also been stuck at the same types of gatherings because I am too afraid to get up and say goodbye, so I end up sitting there waiting it out till I get the courage to say goodbyes and go.
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Well-known member
In fact i have the opposite problem, when i just want to leave i'm usually frozen in place working up the courage just leave in front of everyone.
Oh I've done this, too. It's like you're trying to work out how to leave a social situation as quickly as possible without seeming rude. At least that's how I perceive it. Maybe you do, too?

I do this sometimes when socialising is going on for ever, I'll sort of ninja my way out of the room and disappear for a while, lol. I'm rarely missed
But I also do this sometimes. Just last Friday I "went to the toilet" which meant "going into the bathroom because I wanted to get away from the conversation and that's the one place I won't be bothered".