Fear of rejection is the root of SA


Well-known member
Richey said:
If people didnt fear others opinions then SA wouldnt exist right?

Yep I would say thats pretty much it but it come in diferent forms and leads to more problem like depression in some cases.


Well-known member
overcome your fears and embrace your full potential in life.

I agree. Fear of rejection , fear of humilation, fear of failure...FEAR. That fear cripples you, holds you back from your full potential. That is why i believe that the most important thing to improve in yourself is your self esteem and confidence. A change in your attitude and to love and accept yourself, and recognize that you are not inferior, but worthy of love and acceptance. We must always remember, we are not inferior or better then anyone else, but equal. Always remind yourself of past achievements and stay focused on the present moment. Stop pissing your life away on worries and regrets, becuz its a very very short life, even if you live to 105 years of age. :) tick , tick, tick...join in...tick tick tick....


Well-known member
Re: overcome your fears and embrace your full potential in l

savage_beagle said:
tick , tick, tick...join in...tick tick tick....

Eep... now I'm just scared 8O


I have a problem talking to the same person more than once.
If I make a hash of things the first time round, I am so embarrassed and I can't go up to them again. I see it written all over their face that they hate me.


Well-known member
Hello HANNAH. It is your own thinking that sabotages your happiness. You had a simple conversation with another person. It may have went well, you may have disagreed or had an awkward moment. In your mind, you have decided that the conversation somehow went terribly wrong, and that person ''hates'' you. Now, i will tell you the reality, and its far away from your distorted thinking. Most people half listen. While you were speaking to the other person, he/she was thinking about what they want to snack on, if they turned off all the lights at home, which movie to rent later on that night...etc. As they are thinking all this...50% of the conversation is heard, most people dont even listen, they are just eager for you to end so they can spit out their view and witty observations. I bet that person you are avoiding more then likely went on their merry way, hardly giving a crap about what you said or did last. Meanwhile, you are still dwelling on your ''defeciences''. Hannah, i replied to your post to try and make you see how distorted your reaction was, and not to offend you. You, like anybody else, have worth. Focus on changing your beliefs about yourself and how others think about you. The light at the end of the tunnel is you.