? doesn't work, ? don't work, ? never works, ......

I may NOT know what DOES work, but i certainly DO know what DOESN'T work!
Maybe that's always been my problem.
I have tackled problems like this:
. Started with what i KNOW --> Tried to find out what WORKS
But should have been like this:
. Started with nothing --> Tried to find out what DOESN'T WORK

This is how a person should systematically/methodically go about attempting to resolve any (major) problems they may have:
(This method may seem "tedious", but it's actually a piece of cake, if you do just one step at a time, at your own pace)

0) Are experiencing major problem(s) on a regular basis

1) Be un/subconsciously aware of all of your major problems (always are)

2) Be CONSCIOUSLY AWARE of all of your major problems (& Mindful of the effects they have on your life. Are aware when remembering past experiences that had involving them, and especially when currently experiencing them. No need for labels yet. Think about them (analytically & emotionally). It may help to record your thoughts regularly in a diary, as this can help you to identify more of your problems. ACCEPT what you already know (problems that already aware of) & ACKNOWLEDGE what you don't (problems that weren't aware that had; & accept that you don't know everything about you!))

3) a) Record your problems (All, or of [immediate] concern. Maybe "brainstorm" or "free-writing"?. &/or Fetch previous notes from diary/journal. "Raw input".
. . . . . Descriptions/metaphors/cliches/names/labels/whatever (use whatever that has "meaning" to you)

. . b) Form a LIST (Also helps to see it down "on paper")
. . . . . (for example from my post "the other day" --> here)

. . . . i) Split into separate lines (1 problem per line)
. . . . ii) Remove extraneous words (So just have the essential words)
. . . . iii) Format the text (Add full-stops. Capitalize. Correct spelling. Expand "shortcut" words. Replace with less words. Lowercase to upper (eg sa -> SA). Etc)

. . c) Naming/labelling/categorizing your problems ("Name it to claim it" (thanks Dr Phil!))

. . . . i) Extract "key" or "defining" word/s (From each line. Put into format: "keyword/s - surrounding text")

. . . . . Steps to obtaining a more accurate "wording" for problem (Try to CONVERT each problem into a better form (eg convert from b->c))

. . . . . a) Label - Personal . . (somewhat inaccurate/general/common/societal/"fat" - but still valid)
. . . . . . . . 'Anxiety' . (own personal meaning for "anxiety")
. . . . . . . . 'I feel anxious all the time' . (also descriptive)

. . . . . b) Metaphor . . (or cliche) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <--- better
. . . . . . . . 'I feel like the world could crumble at any moment'

. . . . . c) Descriptive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <--- better still
. . . . . . . . 'I can't do anything outside'

. . . . . d) Label - Professional . . (as a psychologist/etc would give you) . . . . . . . . . . <--- best (probably)
. . . . . . . . 'Constant underlying anxiety'

. . . . . * Each is "accurate" within it's own context

. . . . ii) Lump similar items together (Put together those items which are related or similar. To try to further simplify, find pattern, reduce/combine, etc)

4) Prioritize them (For now, just put those at the top WHICH YOU FEEL are the most urgent)
. . . 1 - Procrastination

5) TAKE ACTION (Which is the "tricky" part (esp if you suffer from "procrastin-itis" as i do!))

There are many possibilities of remedies, solutions, cures, etc:

Conventional Therapies/Medicine

Therapy (one-on-one)
It TRIES but i fear that it is still "light years" away from being even remotely effective. But, if you're lucky ("Random/Chance/Luck") it can LEAD you to therapy/ies that may well work for you.
Note: This of course is only from my own experience. I'm not saying it CAN'T work, but that GENERALLY it doesn't work very well.

Therapy (group)

Medication (prescribed)
I don't think they were ever "meant" to work (as are they are generally far from a "natural" life thing).
Note: (see above note)

CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy)
RET (Rational Emotive Analysis)
RSA (Rational Self Analysis)
Psychodynamic Therapy

Alternative Therapies/Medicine
(Too many to mention tham all!. Below are a few)

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)
NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming)
Mindfulness Therapy
Sublimal programming


Energy cleansing
Crystal therapy

Electronic devices
Zapper circuit
Psionics and Radionics

Bach flower remedies


This i'm sure is also has highest chance of working.

I think this probably (ha) has the most chance (ha) of working.

I believe pretty much ALL of the progress i have made over the years, is due to my own thoughts/ideas/efforts, and not due to therapy or medication ("conventional medicine"). I remember a saying from a movie. It was something like 'The best therapist is the one inside ourselves...'

Phone councelling:
I have made such calls for several years. Usually the call ended with me gaining "insights" or "ideas" that i'd never quite had/reached before. But most of these phone services are meant only for "crises" (depression, suicidal, etc), not for general everyday councelling (but there may be some such services you can pay for)

Drugs/Alcohol: Not recommended!. Now the latest fad is "i-Dosing" (sounds which supposedly affect your brain waves & mood)

Medication (self-prescribed)

Relaxation techniques: Including yoga, ...

Self-help books:
Which can be on any of the therapies in this post (& much more), including conventional & alternative therapies/medicine

Pretty much a complete failure - in fact worse than a failure, as it has stopped me from trying other things that MIGHT have worked. The problem is that human knowledge about these disorders/etc is still far from complete, and so relying on such is doomed to fail. Also feelings are IRRATIONAL, and so most attempts to deal with feelings in this way will "fall flat on their face". However, it is SOMETIMES useful/needed (eg the below system). But for the actual CURES/SOLUTIONS I am suggesting it is not. Note: (see above note)
I will work on this some more later...
Currently: version 6.0
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Well-known member
Interesting! - Hm, have you tried CBT and EFT?

They sound a bit similar to your approach (name and then accept and reframe)

Therapies are very different, a whole bunch of them, it depends to what kind of therapist you get or what kind of books you read.. (Some have helped me quite a lot, in the past. Together with lifestyle changes and action, of course..)

Wishcraft by Barbara Sher and GTD by David Allen have some good approaches to procrastination (eg it may be a blob or 'if you don't know what to do you probably won't do it' or such, break it down into mini steps, into what doesn't intimidate you anymore and such..)

I find that different things have worked at different times in my life, it's like playing video games, sigh!! :)