Cyber Bullying


Well-known member
Hi I am quite concerned about some cyber bullying that's going on at a website. They have a forum section at a place that is called the hop which is short for House Of Pain where they attack members quite viciously and make threads like kill the emos. I think that is sick and in no way it should continue to be opened, even adults who should know better are doing this and setting the wrong kind of example. I have addressed this with them in the thread and got quite nasty with them myself but their excuse is this is the hop if you don’t like it get out. I am not going to stand for that because there is no excuse for their behavior and it should be closed down so it shows that this sort of behavior is not acceptable.

This is the link Check out the section called the HOP short for the house of pain.

Question is where do you report this sort of thing?


Well-known member
prince1 said:
Why not call 999.

yeah I thought about doing that but I am pretty sure this will be another case that gets dismissed like most cases when it comes to bullying. :twisted: And they will be the ones that are protected by people saying just don't go there, it's freedom of speech. People like that always get away with things and this will be just another thing that’s added to the list but I am going to try. There may be freedom of speech but there is also consequences with things you do and I hope I can achieve it by enforcing that.


Well-known member
I couldn't find The House of Pain

Kat, my dear, you have to understand there are forums where people just BS. I belong to a forum like that. Its a place where you go to be, frankly, an asshole. If you don't have thick enough skin you're just going to get hurt by it. Its a place where normal people go to be assholes because they can do it without hurting people.

Kinda like the movie Fight Club :wink: :lol: normal people fighting. Don't go if you don't like to get hit.

Either have some fun with it and be an ass or don't expose yourself to it


Well-known member
Thelema said:
Kat, my dear, you have to understand there are forums where people just BS. I belong to a forum like that. Its a place where you go to be, frankly, an asshole. If you don't have thick enough skin you're just going to get hurt by it. Its a place where normal people go to be assholes because they can do it without hurting people.

Kinda like the movie Fight Club :wink: :lol: normal people fighting. Don't go if you don't like to get hit.

Either have some fun with it and be an ass or don't expose yourself to it

Most people that are bullies and do that kind of thing are full of BS but it doesn't make what they are doing right or dismissive. That statement is just as ignorant like saying get over your social phobia If they are going to say stuff like that then they need to handle what will get done about it. It’s been proven several times that emotional abuse saying nasty things can be just as damaging or even more so then physical abuse. You should know that emotional word stuff is damaging especially if you have SP what goes on in your head and your thinking style is why you have the problems in the first place. If people are being cruel then they are the ones that are in the wrong not the people that are reacting to it. Heres an article about it.

Cyber Bully Types

Cyber Bully Traits
Cyber Bullying is a compulsive need to displace aggression and is achieved by the expression of inadequacy
(social, personal, interpersonal, behavioural, and professional) by projection of that inadequacy onto others
through control and subjugation (criticism, exclusion, isolation,harassment, hatemail, slandering, threatening,
bashing in forums and groups, postings, the creation of websites regarding the person that cyber bullies are harassing, etc).

Cyber Bullies are primarily concerned with their own pleasure, they want power over others,
and are willing to use and abuse other people to get what they want.
They are consistent with whatever type of abuse they specialize in, doing whatever it takes to humiliate,
embarass, and destory the person that they are bullying.
Cyber Bullying is obsessive and compulsive; they have to have someone to bully, they follow the person around
the internet, to see what the person is doing by reading the posts, then replying to the posts with cruel intentions.

Verbal bullies use words to hurt and humiliate their victims.
These bullies are not always easy to spot within the Internet World because as adults most of these people
have learned to be more subtle with their attacks.
It’s common for these bullies to make snide little remarks with posting in forums, private internet communities, networking groups, yahoo groups, google groups, msn groups, (the list goes on and on...)
Mind you, these people are vicious!
Utilizing the internet to harm you, your family, your reputation, your business, and in some case your marriage.
This is when it becomes clear that they are really nasty people.

These are not just Children doing the Cyber Bullying, there are numerous Adults
who feel the need to Cyber Bully, and utilize the Internet to do so, hiding behind a computer
and having their own members in their internet community to do the dirty work, so they are not held
Cyber Bullies are often very good at beguiling, confusing, and convincing others of the veracity of their lies.
They can be great at distorting peoples' perceptions with the intention of creating a negative view of their target in the minds
of people in the Internet Community.
This is achieved through undermining, the creation of doubts and suspicions and so on...
Cyber Bullies have an amazing ability to twist the words of others around.
They use this talent to avoid blame and make other people out to be the bad guy.
If you have never experienced this first-hand, it is nearly impossible to describe just how they manage to disorder
people's thinking with such patently illogical argument, or to even understand how their accomplices fall for it,
bad thing is the people they have convinced jump on the band wagon and then
become bullies themselves, because they have fallen for the deciept of the person who started
the Cyber Bullying attacks and accusations.
They will even contradict facts, and if you have the nerve to disagree with them,
or try to straighten out their story, they'll accuse you of being confused, lying, or crazy.

Who do Cyber Bullies Target:
Usually there is some event that will trigger an attack by a cyber bully,
they might just have taken an irrational dislike to you from your first meeting.
Internet Competition, forming another community like one that they may have.
Copying: taking the work, words, photos from anothers website and using it as your own.
Having personal or family related issues with another spouse, who happens
to be in the same internet group as you.
Shill Bidding on auction sites, Not fullfilling orders on the auction sites.
A bad reputation is what Cyber Bullies love to attack.
Cyber Bullies in the Adult world like to attack people who are not
able to take on a large internet community, therefor, the cyber bullies
use their own communities to make the attacks more effective,
in the hopes that person they are attacking will just disappear.
Bullies continue to bully because no one challenges them.
They have probably been like this since childhood, there is no excuse for any Adult who
feels the need to Cyber Bully.
The Cyber bullying they do as adults is wrong, and deep down they know it is.
However, they're usually not smart enough to think of alternatives.


Active member
Perhaps you can find the original version in the Google cache or even the Wayback at in order to support your defense. Or invite your Headmistress to download the Diogenes software and administer a voice stress analysis test so that she can see that you are telling the truth.