Avoidance issues


Active member
Does anyone else have avoidance issues? I tried explaining this to my boyfriend. If I have SA about something, most times I avoid it completely until it either goes away or I absolutely have to deal with it. Like for some reason I have a hard time opening letters from people, and I have one sitting on my desk unopened from June. Or, I'm going back to school and I dread financial aid stuff so I waited until the last minute and now it's taking too long. I know that I do it to myself, but I still can't help it.

I make up excuses in my head why I can put something off for longer, and then it will be too late and I feel so bad about myself. I wonder "Why didn't you just do that right away when you were supposed to?" but it doesn't make a difference for next time.

If you have experienced this, how do you deal? :confused:


Well-known member
Usually i avoid reading my email. First of all i dont get allot of mail (allot of junkmail though) but whenever i do get mail i always have to take action. The kind of action people with social anxiety don't enjoy. Like every now and then i get invited for some kind of party by old friends and not so long ago my nephew mailed me to make a little video message for my nieces wedding. I get complaints allot that i dont answer my mail in time...

But this avoidance thing is very familiar to me. My parents hate it! I don't know what to do about it except for just force yourself to do it right away. I have periods where i do so, but when im feeling depressed or stressed often i fall into old routines.
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Active member
Yeah, I'm the same with e-mail. And now that you mention it, doing it right away definitely helps. Then you dont have the extra time of thinking about how someone will respond..Hmm.. thanks for the input